Online Admission 2024-25

News & Events

Precautions for Corona Virus
Published Date: 04-Mar-2020
Dear Parents, Please do not panic about Corona Virus media reports. Please make a note of the following - ▪ Please don't send a sick child to school, specially if he or she is suffering from cold, cough, fever or any contagious disease. ▪Parents should send alcohol based hand sanitizers with children. ▪Teach children personal hygiene like covering mouth and nose with tissue while sneezing and coughing. ▪ Not to touch face with hands. ▪Wash hands with soap frequently and before eating. ▪ Wash clothes with detergent everyday and dry under sun. ▪Stay safe and healthy and keep others safe and healthy. ▪Drink lot of water.Stay hydrated. Thank you, Principal Florence International School Greater Noida
Thought of The Day
Exam is not a game. It’s a background for your future. Wish you to pass all the exams.